Hamiduddin Nagori

Sutan-ut-Tariqeen Hazrat Hamiduddin Nagori Chishty was a Sufi Saint from Chishty Silsila. His Mazar Mubarak is in Nagaur, Rajasthan.

Early Life

He was born in 589 Hijri or in 1113 A.D. His birth name was Muhammad, whereas Hamiduddin and Nagori were the epithet. He was married to Bibi Khadija (daughter of Hazrat Fuzail Ahmed Hamdani). He Had received his initial Islamic Education from his home itself and later from Hazrat Shamsuddin Halwai. After accepting the Ruhani orders from Hazrat Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz, he left for Ajmer and remain there along with Ghareeb Nawaz for almost one year. After offering his various Khidmaat (services) to Khwaja Sahab and receiving Baith-o-Khilafat from Khwaja he left for Nagore for Da' wah purposes as per the order of Khwaja. It is said; he was very kind to all the creatures. Scholars and mashaykh believe that he followed the strict vegetarianism during his Da'wah life to facilitate his Dawah activities among the then orthodox Hindus who were following strict vegetarianism.

Dargah and Urs

The Dargah of Hazrat Hamiduddin Nagori is in Nagaur district of Rajasthan. It is characterised by a Buland Darwaza or (door of Victory), which was built on 15 Shaban, 730 Hijri or 1339 A.D under the reign of Sultan Muhammad Bin Tughlaq. Like other Sufi shrines, the Mazar does not have any dome or Gumbad over it. Annual Urs is celebrated from 28 Rabiussani to 4 Jamadiul Awwal, which attracts devotees from various parts of the country. 

Qazi Hamiduddin Nagori Suharwardy

Qazi Hamiduddin Nagori was another Sufi saint of Suharwardy Silsila, who is also recognized as Hamiduddin Nagori. He was the Khalifa of Abu Hafs (R.A) and the teacher of Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A). His actual name was Mohammed bin Ata (son of Ataullah Bukhari). He played the significant role in popularizing Qawwali in an Indian subcontinent. 


According to the research of Sufi Scholar Allama Mukhtar Shah Naeemi, he received the name Hamiduddin from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Qazi (justice) in his name, denotes his designation or rank. He was appointed as the Qazi of Nagor by Sultan Shamsuddin. Whereas Nagori is meant for inhabitant of Nagor.

Early Life

He spent his early life as a prince of Bukhara and later became the King. It is said, his wife's demise paved his way towards ascetic life. After the demise of his wife, he left for Kerman, (city in Iran), In Kerman, he received the noble guidance of Khwaja Abuakr kermani Rahmatullah Alaih. He too spent 12 years of his life in the company of Shaykh Shihabuddin Sohrawardy and become his disciple (received Bayah o Khilafah). His Mazar Mubarak is in Delhi near the Mazar of Hazrat Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A).

See Also

* Khwaja Bande Nawaz 

Mufti Salman Azhari

Allama Zafaruddin Bihari

Frequently Asked Questions

1). What is the difference between Qazi                Hamiduddin Nagori and Hamiduddin              Nagori Chishty?
Answer: Qazi Hamiduddin Nagori was the Sufi Saint of Soharwardy Silsila. Mazar of Qazi Hamiduddin Nagori is in Delhi in Mehrauli Sharif. Whereas Hamiduddin Nagori (saint of Chishty Silsila) is resting in Nagaur, Rajasthan.


  • 📗 Book, Ali., Qutbi, Mohammad Mahmood (1993). Fragrance of Sufism. Royal Book Co. OCLC 609330365.
  • History of Hazrat Hamiduddin Nagori by Ghulam Fareedi.
  • Chishty Rang, Biography.