Mausoleum of Wali Baba at Kondhali, Maharashtra |
Qadri Shattari Sufi order is the branch of Shattari Sufi order observed in South Asia, headed by Sayyad Mushtaque Husain Ali Mast Qadri Shattari. The spiritual Chain of this Tarika is a transmission (‘’silsila’’) transfer from Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) through Imam Ali including Hazrat Bayazid Bastami Rahmatullah alaih (753-845 CE). The Shattari order is so a branch of the Tayfoori Khan wada. Shaykh Sirajuddin Abdullah Shattar (wisal. 1406 CE), heir of Shaykh Shahāb ad-Dīn Suharwardy (Founder of Suharwardi Silsila) established the Silsila. Shaykh Shattar was the disciple of Hazrat Bayazid Bustami (seventh in the spiritual lineage) and received Ijazah from the 14 Sufi orders. His teacher Shaykh Muhammad Taifur appreciated the rigors he encountered in obtaining this station (MAQAM) and gave him the honorific ‘Shattar’. Originating in Persia, Shaykh Abdullah Shattar delivered the order and its instructions to India. According to author Idrees Shah, Shaykh Sirajuddin Abdullah Shattar settled in India in the 15th century. He had a unique method to judge his disciples with their eating patterns and gives his guidance only to those who made excellent judgements of foodstuffs. Dressed in magnificent robes, he used to roam on streets making an announcement by beating drums and inviting humans to witness Almighty in his existence, roaming from one place to another, and established the method. His practice was to contact the chief of the Tariqa and would ask them, "teach me your method (Tariqa), if not, then accept my method of Tasawwuf".
The Sufi order is based upon the values of love, humbleness, truth, and politeness (Khaaksari). Shattari masters believe that awareness of oneself, as a path to reach to Allah.
The divine knowledge of this order is restricted to the seekers of Allah due to its complexity and by the order of Maula Ali Mushkil Kusha. Masters disclose the secret of Muqatte-at only after the deep analysis of the "zarf" of the student.
The asma e Gausiya are the noble names of Gaus e Gwaliori; these are the helpful names for an individual walking on the path of Qadri Shattari sufi order.
Qadri Shattari order attains its zenith during the time of Muhammad Ghaus Gwoliori. His mausoleum is in Gwalior at Madhya Pradesh India.
Sayyed Wajihuddin Alvi Gujrati
Interior view of Dargah Hazrat Wajihuddin Alvi Gujrati Rahmatullah Alaih
Hazrat Sayyed Wajihuddin Gujrati or Hazrat Wajihuddin Alvi Gujrati was the paternal uncle of Sayyadna Hashim Peer Dastagir from whom Hashim Pir received Khilafat o Ijazat. He was Husaini Sayyed privileged to have written literary works in Gujrati language. His notable works include include "Malfuzat e Shaikh Wajihuddin Gujrati". His Mazar Mubarak is in Ahemedabad, Gujrat. Sayyad Shah Arshad hussain bava ahmed shah bava alviyul, Hussaini is present caretaker of the shrine.
Sayyad Altaf Alvi Qadri Shattari (Descendant) during Urs celebrations of Hazrat Wajihuddin Gujrati |
Hashim Peer Dastagir
Hashim Peer Dastgeer was the distinguished leader of Qadri Shattari Sufi Order. His mausoleum is in Bijapur Karnataka. The present custodian of the mausoleum is Syed Murtuza Hashmi.
Sufi Sarmast Ali Shah Qalandar
Sufi Sarmast Ali Shah Qalandar |
Sufi Sarmast Ali Shah Qalandar is the recognised patron of this Sufi order. He is one among the foremost luminous and eminent saints in Shattari Silsila. People respected him with many honorary titles such as ‘Qutoob-e-Zaman’, ‘Aulaad–e-Rasul Allah’ and ‘Qalandar’. He is considered an important source of sufi powers by his followers. It is believed that Sufi Sarmast Ali Shah Qalandar is still guiding his followers. He is considered to be the first Auliya e Allah who boldly used Sufi as his designate. His actual name and ancestry are still unknown. He Received blessed Khilafa o Ijazah from Hazrat Wajihuddin Gujrati Alvi (Bijapur) who was the blessed Khalifa of Hashim pir Dastgeer. Thereafter he travelled to Nandura, Maharashtra, where he settled thereafter, presently recognised as Sufi Bagh. According to our master Sayyad Mushtaque Hussain Ali Mast Qadri Shattari, Maulana Muhammad Siddiq Sahab after entering India from Kabul first visited Sufi Sarmast Ali Shah Qalandar at his place, there he received the Ruhani Fuyuz-o-Barkat from Sufi Sarmast Ali Shah Qalandar in his very first meeting.
Mazar Mubarak of Sufi Sarmast Ali Shah Qalandar
The spiritual vision of Dargah is worth noting. He wont to attribute all beings including individual beings, plants, animals, and all the souls as Allah sahab. There are so many marvels attributed to him and believers still receiving his regular blessings (Fuyuz-o-Barkat) and holy guidance in both of their journies, (Ruhani and Dunyavi). Urs Mubarak of Sufi Sarmast Ali Shah Qalandar is characterized by huge celebration near his resting place at Sufi Bagh in Nandura. It is witnessed that followers of this Mast are increasing day by day.
Maulana Muhammad Siddique Sahab
Maulana Muhammad Siddiq Sahab |
Mausoleum of Maulana Muhammad Siddiq Sahab |
Maulana Muhammad Siddiq Sahab was the foremost leader of the Maharashtra version of this Sufi order. He was originally from Kabul and migrated to India during the period of Sufi Sarmast Ali Shah Qalandar. He was the khalifa (descendant) of Sufi Sarmast Ali Shah Qalandar. His shrine is at Balapur, Maharashtra, India. After his wisal, Khilafat passed on to his son, Ghani Baba and further moved to wali Baba. The mausoleum of wali Baba is at Sufi bagh in Kondhali, near Nagpur, Maharashtra. The present custodian of the Sufi Nagar’s mausoleum is Muhammad Noorul Qadri Shattari. He is recognized as a wise and blissful personality.
Mazar Mubarak of Ghani Qadri |
Shattari at Kondhali.
Sufi Nagar Nirmal
Sufi Zeeshan Pasha Qadri Shattari is the current caretaker of Sufi Nagar Nirmal.
Sufi Saeed Ali Shah Qadri Shattari
He was one of the most enthusiastic Sufi Shaykh of Qadri Shattari Sufi order who had immensely contributed to the development of Qadri Shattari Sufism in Maharashtra. Sufi Raees Ali Shah is the present Khalifa of him.
Sayyad Mushtaq Hussain Qadri Shattari
Sayyad Mushtaque Husain Ali Mast Qadri Shattari |
Sayyad Mushtaq Husain Ali Mast Qadri Shattari is an Indian Sufi saint. He lives in Nagpur Maharashtra, India. He is the current figurehead of Maharashtra version of Qadri Shattari order. Mast is the first khalifa of Wali Baba. He is blessed to have the company of various great contemporary Sufi Saints of various orders. Huzur Mufti-e Azam-Hind, Hazrat Mustafa Raza Khan Qadri Barkati visited his place 4 (four) times and had blessed him with his various Tabarrukat (his blessed cap, jacket, etc) which is still preserved as Barakah at his place.
Originally being the disciple of Huzur Mufti e Azam Hind, Mustafa Raza Khan Qadri, his Silsila e Bayah is Qadri, Barkati Razvi, since received Ijazah in Qadri Shattari Sufism from Hazrat Wali Qadri Shattari from Kondhali, his Silsila e Ijazah is Qadri Shattari . He had also received Ruhani Fuyuz o Barkat from various fakirs of Warsi Silsila including Pandit Nayab Shah Shahab Warsi, Ghulab Shah Warsi (Mazar is in Faizabad, India). The life of Bedam Shah Warsi greatly influenced him on the path of Sufism.
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